What differientates Ultra Bond Windshield Resins from the rest? We are experts in repair and our products solve real problems technicians are likely to face in the field. If you are looking for a new supplier of windshield resin and you are unsure who to choose, here's what you need to know about resin.
- Resin Alone Is Not Enough -The Tool Matters
- Viscosity Matters -Resins under 40 cps will not restore 100% strength.
- All of the other tools on the market use water thin 15-20 cps and have to manully flex each leg to get the resin injected AND still leaves a weakspot in the windshield.
Many of our competitors FAIL in the safety and science of windshield repair, in fact, they are more concerned with thier profits, not yours. However, what you need to know is simply buying resin and using it in the field is not enough.
A successful repair goes beyond the resin itself. Your tools play a huge role in making sure that you are getting the maximum bond possiable when curing. Our tools, such as the above Crack Master Bridge, enable our windshield repair techs to wick the glass with our injectors and structures and in doing so aligns resin molicules to form a polymer chain that is unbreakable.
Ultra Bond has an entire windshield repair training section where you can learn more about the science of repairing windshields that will make you more aware and educated to handle crack repairs in the field. >> Windshield Crack Repair Training <<