20/20 Barbra Walters Exposes Windshield Replacements


20/20 Exposes The Dangers of Windshield Replacements

In this video, Barbra Walters covers many aspects of why windshield replacements are dangerous and harmful to vehicles all over the United Sates of America. This investigations shows that millions of drivers are driving around with a windshield replacement that is sure to fail in an accident. Aside from your seat-belt and airbag, this might not be enough to save you from injury during a car crash. 20/20 illustrates crash testing footage what will shock you and as a warning about protecting your windshield integrity. This investigation hands-down is the reason why the windshield crack repair industry is the rightful practice in maintaining a vehicles windshield safety.

Top Reasons Why You Should Not Replace!

A windshield does more than just keep the rain out of your vehicle, a factory installed windshield can help save your life! Here some of the reasons why you don't want a windshield replacement:

  1. Keeps Roof From Caving In On You Causing Permanent Injury
  2. Deflects The Air Bag From Blowing Out The Windshield Out Of Place
  3. Keeps Shards Of Glass From Seriously Injuring You or Killing You

As you can see in 25 year Gene's car in Wisconsin, witnesses could not find the passenger anywhere. Here body was found 75 feet away lying ontop of the windshield. In this scenario, the air bag blew the windshield off!

What This Means For You and Protecting Your Windshield With a Repair Instead

Should your car have a crack or chip in the windshield, do not let the insurance company talk you into a windshield replacement. In fact, Insurance Companies today are having a company affiliated with Belron and Safelite take the calls and push consumers into a windshield replacement. 99% of all customers that go to their insurance company to have their windshield fixed are pushed into a replacement unaware of the potential dangers. Ultra Bond is the only windshield crack repair manufacturer that's pursed bringing Safelite Solutions, LLC to justice for promoting and pushing false marketing promises to consumers.

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