DIY Windshield Chip Repair Kits

DIY Windshield Repair Kits by Ultra Bond are professional products that deliver repairs that restore the structural integrity to the windshield. Truly unique in that we are the only brand that gives weekend warriors, trailblazers the tools to meet the insurance policy's obligation to restore to pre-loss condition if you decide to go professional with theses kits. Although windshield repair resins are where most of the focus is on, what you should know is that the tool and curing has a do or die effect on the end repairs strength and durability. What most do-it-yourselfers don't know is the science behind their windshields and the importance of a windshield as a safety device, protecting all occupants. Injecting resin that bonds to itself as well as with the windshield is the most important objective fact. Ultra Bond invented the tools to inject the correct resin to form an unbreakable bond. Below we offer several kits where you can repair chips, from price, to craftiness, get a DIY windshield chip repair kit that can easily, and safely restore your windshield to its original factory strength. To learn more about windshield science and windshield safety follow the two links here.

Do It Yourself with Professional Windshield Chip Repair Kits



Scored in the top three of windshield repair tools due to a rare flexing structure. Adding UV curing light completes it for professional use.




Don't be fooled, Our Black Plastic Tool has higher test scores than all professional metal tools on the markets except for the Wonder Bar Tool.



Economy DIY Chip Repair Kit


A rare one of two flexing holding structures in the industry that can maximize a resins strength potential -the other is the Wonder Bar Bridge Tool.


Why Ultra Bond?

What Separates Us From The Rest?!

What differentiates Ultra Bond Windshield Repair Resins from the rest?  We are experts in repair and our products solve real problems technicians are likely to face in the field. If you are looking for a new supplier of windshield resin and you are unsure who to choose, here's what you need to know about resin. 

  1. Resin Alone Is Not Enough
  2. Improper Tool Tension can destroy the resin. 
  3. LED Curing lights  can compromise the resins strength.
  4. With Ultra Bond You can be Confident You are Restoring Windshields To New Glass Strength.

A successful repair goes beyond the resin itself. Your tools play a huge role in making sure that you are getting the maximum bond.  Our tools enable our windshield repair techs to flex and hold the break open like no other tools on the market. This increases molecular interaction and aligns resin particles to form a polymer chain that is unbreakable. 

Ultra Bond has three windshield repair training manuals the bottom left side of this page and videos on the top right side of this page where you can learn more about the science of repairing windshields that will make you  more aware and educated to handle chip and crack repairs in the field.     >> Black Tool Windshield Repair Kit Instructions <<

A bottle of popus repair sitting next to a candle holder

DIY Windshield Chip Repair Kits FAQs

  • What Is The Best D-I-Y Windshield Chip Repair Kit

    The best diy windshield chip repair kits are ones that can restore your vehicles windshield to new glass strength. 

    What you are not aware of is that your automobile's windshield is the 3rd most important safety device, thus protecting all occupants from fatal and serious injury should a car crash happen. Most importantly, the windshield in your car serves as roof support and keeping it from crushing occupants in a role over. 

    So what does this have to do with repairing the chip in your windshield? Alot actually, incorrectly repairing a windshield can lead to a prolonged damage and spreading of a chip into different more complex repairs, such as a combination break. 

    The windshield repair market is influenced for replacement, not repair, and the majority of vehicle owners are told by their insurance company that it's safer to replace than to repair.  This is not a fact and through the Federal Motor Vehicle Saftey Standards and Lab Testing, the data shows repairs are indeed safer than replacement. 

    Neverthless an improperly repaired windshield will lead to a replacement and that's the last thing you want for your vehicle, your safety, and that of any family members. 

    The best diy windshield chip repair kit are:

    1. Have been tested to the "Standard Test Method for Strength of Glass by Flexure" and discloses the restoration score.
    2. Easy To Use
    3. Give You Mechanical Flexing of the glass
    4. Creates a Structural Adhesive Resin

    Most of the vendors on Amazon  like Rainx, Permatex, and many others use water thin resins that are cosmetic and do not restore the strength  to the windshield and you cannot tell this by looking at a repair. One look at the kits you can see they are of flimsy materials that don't give you mechnical strength  to actually open the break  so you can inject the necessary windshield repair resin needed to form a  bond with the windshield to at or near 100% of new windshield glass strength.

    To learn more about resin, checkout this blog, Facts You Should Know About Windshield Repair Resin.


Facts You Should Know About Windshield Repair Resin


Understanding the science behind a windshield break and crack; how a windshield is made and the resins created to fix windshields are important for anyone in the windshield repair industry to know. This deep understanding of windshield repair chemistry will help you buy better resin and relay to your customer that you are the expert they should trust to repair their safety device.

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Windshield Repair Resin As Strong As Glass Stated In Supreme Court Ruling...


The class action Cullen v. State Farm was an action against State Farm alleging that a windshield repair did not and could not restore the windshield to pre-loss condition and therefore State Farm owed all consumers who got a repair the money for a new windshield. Click to read more about this Supreme Court ruling and how a study of Ultra Bond resin was used by State Farm to prove and save the efficacy of the windshield repair industry!

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What Is Your Cost Per Repair?


Your Cost Per Repair (CPR) does not come from the price you pay for resin. It comes from the efficiency of your repair tool. Think about how many drops of resin you use to repair one average stone-break. The average chip repair only requires one drop of resin to be completely filled. Try this experiment yourself next time you do an average size stone-break.

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