Get Paid Twice as Much as other repair systems with court admissible lab test reports to give to your customers. Ultra Bond is the only windshield repair manufacturer that has passed the same Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS 205) as a New Windshield. We are the only Lab Tested Windshield Repair on the market that passed the ROLAGS Standard and the Standard Test Method for Strength of Glass with results that are Stronger Than A New Windshield! Ultra Bond is the only repair that restores to the insurance policy's obligation to the consumer to restore the windshield to pre-loss condition. Learn here how to get paid more with Ultra Bond.
You may have a problem you don't know you have with your current windshield repair resin because you cannot tell by looking at a repair as what the strength is at. You need to have the industry recognized mechanical strength tests by 3-point bend on laminated glass showing what percentage of new glass strength you have restored to after exposure? If you do not have this data then you should ask for that lab test report from your seller. If they do not produce it then then you should go elsewhere to buy resins and tools. Your responsibility is safety to your customer and you should know what you are doing to your customer's critical safety device on their vehicle.
This is a 12-inch Ultra Bond Long Crack Windshield Repair After a Rollover Crash
It has been ruled in federal court in Ultra Bond v Safelite that no matter how well trained the technician is or how high their customer satisfaction rating is, it does not mean the repair is safe or can pass the Repair of Laminated Auto Glass Standard (ROLAGS). The ROLAGS is the United States Auto Glass Industry's ANSI Approved Windshield Repair Standard which includes that windshield repair manufactures or sellers test their repairs using the Standard Test Method for Strength of Glass by Flexor - Mechanical Strength by 3-Point Bend Test as it compares to new glass strength.
The picture to the right is a 12-inch Ultra Bond long crack repair still perfect after a real-world rollover crash. This resin passed the ROLAGS with a score of 150% new glass strength and was unbreakable in impact and penetration tests.
As mentioned above, "How definitive are you about the performance of your windshield chip and crack repair jobs?" Do you have court admissible lab tests showing the mechanical strength that your repairs restore to after exposure compared to new laminated glass? Have you checked your repairs on un-garaged vehicles after a year? If you are unsure this should be very alarming, however, discovering the Ultra Bond brand is by far the best thing to happen to you. Ultra Bond founded the windshield crack repair business and are advocates in raising awareness about going further than just having resin. It's not just enough to buy windshield repair resin and injecting them into the windshield. For example, did you know that most windshield repair resins on the market are compromised by the windshield repair tool and curing method? The process of getting the strongest bond with the windshield is more about the tools you use so to maximize the resin's capabilities. The windshield repair tool is a huge part of the system making sure you get your resin's maximum bond and to perform well in tough climates. Let's take a look at this below.....
The Crack Master Bridge is the newest windshield repair tool invented by Richard Campfield, President and Founder of Ultra Bond, and it features the new Wonder Bar(s)! The design of this tool created the first chip repair ever to restore 100% strength with multiple resins. Notice the length of The Wonder Bar, it's much longer than previous tools and the competition.
Other brands have small devices that look fancy, but still fail in getting the resin effectively into the actual crack(s) because it simply cannot open up the windshield break or crack to reach the extreme perimeter and tips of cracks. Others have to manually flex the legs or cracks by hand with a probe to get resin to the tips because of tool's lack of controllable compression to flex open the break. See This Windshield Repair Tool Lab Test Comparison of Nine Tools Using the Same Resin.
This difference is what sets Ultra Bond apart! Our Resins are unbreakable because of two reasons. But the most important reason has to do with the tool being able to actually open up the windshield breaks and cracks to create a forceful interaction with the glass, an overfill and increased polymer formation upon curing. The design of the tool is large and the three bolts stabilize, level and flexes the outer glass layer to enable the injection of structural adhesives with wicking action to maximize the bonding of the resin to the windshield glass and creating an increase of the oligomer which increases polymer formation. All this insures the strongest bond possibly.
In today's market, there are several vendors selling windshield repair resin, but none of them are structural adhesives. Structural adhesives are thick and can withstand stress without yielding. It is the Ultra Bond tools that allows the use of these stronger resins. Other tools cannot inject anything but water thin resins which cannot withstand stress.To the left, is a diagram that illustrates how Ultra Bond resin monomers link into polymers when cured which forms a very strong and unbreakable bond.
In today's market, there are several vendors selling windshield repair resin, but none of them are structural adhesives. Structural adhesives are thick and can withstand stress without yielding. It is the Ultra Bond tools that allows the use of these stronger resins. Other tools cannot inject anything but water thin resins which cannot withstand stress.To the left, is a diagram that illustrates how Ultra Bond resin monomers link into polymers when cured which forms a very strong and unbreakable bond.
Delta Kits does not restore to pre-loss condition. Discloses no ROLAGS testing or any relevant lab test. Does not follow fundamental rules by resin manufacturers. Voted against 100% strength restoration in ROLAGS recommended testing.
GlasWeld does not restore to pre-loss condition. They have never been known to disclose any relevant lab test scores on any of their products. Voted against 100% strength restoration in ROLAGS recommended testing. See the link above of industry recognized lab tests scores and how they compare to others.
Safelite advertises that cracks long than a dollar bill cannot be repaired when in fact they know it is not true and that it is safer to repair than replace. In January 2024 a federal appeals court has ordered them to trial. Their repairs do not meet the insurance policy's obligation of restoring to pre-loss condition.
If you ALREADY HAVE A WINDSHIELD REPAIR KIT this kit is for you to UPGRADE or change your business completely to the Ultra Bond System. This can double your windshield repair income by increasing your average job by 40-50% as crack repairs are going for $100-$250 because of ADAS and cost of recalibrations...
Unbreakable Crack Repairs that are Stronger than a New Windshield. The long crack repair kit from Ultra Bond allows you to grow your business and offer customers an effective alternative to windshield replacement. With this kit, you will earn $100-$250+ for long crack repairs that meet the insurance policy's pre-loss strength
If you ALREADY HAVE A WINDSHIELD REPAIR KIT this kit is for you to UPGRADE your business to the Ultra Bond System. If you do NOT already have a windshield repair kit DO NOT BUY THIS KIT. It does not have the generic tools and supplies you need such as a drill, drill bits, UV curing light, film tabs, bullseye tapper, etc...
Crack Master Professional Repair Kits
Our professional windshield crack repair kits are far superior to any of our competitors, as you can see from these Comparitive Lab Tests Scores; no one other than Ultra Bond is successfully repairing windshields to pre-loss condition, which is 100% and Stronger Than New Glass. Our kits have everything you need to train and repair chips, cracks, long cracks and edge cracks.
Professional Chip Repair Kits
Choosing the proper windshield repair resin(s) for a particular job is a major part of the art and science of windshield repair. Making the right choice will make the windshield repair fast, easy and great looking. Choosing the wrong windshield repair resin can cause trouble while doing the windshield chip repair and deterioration down the road. BUT the tool matters. The windshield repair tool can enchance the resin or destroy it.See these ANSI Approved Windshield Repair Tool Test Scores using the SAME RESIN with nine different tools.
Windshield Crack and Chip Repair Upgrade Kits
Already in the windshield repair business? Looking to start fixing cracks and making more profit? Ultra Bond windshield crack repair upgrade kits and windshield chip repair upgrade kits will give you only what you need to finally start fixing windshields with integrity and safety first!
We have long crack upgrade kits too! Never loose another job because you don't have affordable tools.
This is the Pinnacle of all windshield repair kits. Repair Long Cracks and Chips/Stone-Breaks with four Wonder Bars. Easy system to learn and use -over 90% of users learn by video and manual. Repair long cracks that pays you over $150. Stronger than a new windshield . See Our ANSI Approved Windshield Repair Lab Tests Scores.
Repair Chips and Long Cracks with three Wonder Bars to pre-loss condition. Easy system to learn and use -over 90% of users learn by video and manual . Three Wonder Bars gives you seven tool options to repair cracks and chips back to 100% of new glass strength which no other brand can do. See Lab Tests Scores here.
Repair Chips and Long Cracks with One Simple Windshield Repair Tool consisting of two Wonder Bars that can Repairs Chips with 100 cps resin and spits apart into a Long Crack Slider and a Crack-Opener for long crack repairs. See the ANSI Approved Windshield Repair Test Scores on 12 Windshield Repair Kits
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