Home / Windshield Repair Resin / Windshield Chip Repair Resins / 1/4 Liter - Stone Damage Pit Filler Windshield Repair Resin
This is the one and only pit windshield chip repair resin. You will need to use this resin to fill the pit of the impact point from a stone or rock that strikes the windshield. Due to the shier force of a stone break, these pits can be considerable and it's important to ensure you have a bottle of this inside your windshield crack repair kit. This the 1/4 Liter Stone Dame Pit Filler and this will get you about a years worth of resin to handle all your chip repairs! You can also use this for an airtight seal with a large pit, replaces a pit adapter. Also use to seal concussion rings so your can repair with vacuum and pressure.
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