Ultra Bond & Richard Campfield 



Trial Set for Summer 2025 



After ten years of Safelite trying to escape facing Campfield in front  of a jury; as of now, barring any more frivolous motions, lies and bad rulings that have to be reversed, Safelite will have to defend deceiving millions of consumers into unnecessary replacements with false claims that a windshield crack over 6-inches is not safe and cannot be repaired.

A piece of paper with a signature on it.

This is a 12-inch Ultra Bond Long Crack Windshield Repair After a Rollover Crash


ANSI, NGA, NWRA Approve Windshield Repair To Be Safe

In 2007 under the auspices of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) the Auto Glass Industry through the National Glass Association (NGA) and the National Windshield Repair Association (NWRA) a Standard called the Repair Of Laminated Auto Glass Standard (ROLAGS) was approved by ANSI. The purpose of the standard was to determine when to repair a windshield versus when to replace a windshield. By a unanimous vote of the committee which included a Safelite Representative and a Belron representative which is the foreign company that owns Safelite, that windshield cracks up to 14 inches would be repaired and windshield cracks over 14 inches would be replaced. 

Safelite Saves 100s of Millions of Dollars Promoting False Advertising Claim

After the standard was approved by ANSI Safelite did the math and concluded it was going to cost them $100s of millions of dollars per year to repair cracks up to 14 inches long, so Safelite went on an attack through a false and misleading advertising campaign that cracks longer than a dollar bill (6-inches) were not repairable, which would eliminate 90% of the repairable crack market. This limitation is utter nonsense as it is proven fact that repairing is safer than replacing. Safelite had no evidence to support this deception of consumers and insurance companies. In fact it was found during discovery that Safelite knew that cracks up to 24-inches was safe and viable. 

GlasWeld Engages In Discrimination In The Workplace

A lawsuit was filed in August of 2015, below is a link to the Summary Judgment Motion pending before the Federal District Court in the South District of Ohio case number 2:15-CV-02733  to declare them liable and for and injunction (immediate stop ) to this deception. 

In fact this is one of the big red flags you should be careful off, because they don't want anyone to question their tools and products and repair methods.

Ultra Bond Proven Safety Record...

In 1990 the windshield repair and the windshield replacement industries were separate industries that hated each other. This is when Ultra Bond entered the national market as a business opportunity with a revolutionary industry changing windshield crack repair kit with a patented long crack windshield repair method that could eliminated over 80% of windshield replacements. This new method passed the same Federal Standard (FMVSS 205) as a new windshield and was as strong as new laminated glass by The Standard Test Method for Strength of Glass by Flexure. The windshield repair industry exploded with growth. Within two years the windshield repair industry started taking out a climbing percentage of windshield replacements.  Such much so that in 1993 the windshield manufacturers, PVB manufacturers and the largest auto glass companies in the country formed a committee through the National Glass Association to write a windshield repair standard that would wipeout the windshield repair industry (no edge cracks, no cracks over 4 inches, no repair within 4 –inches of the edge and no stone-breaks in the sweep of both windshield wipers). The president of the National Glass Association stated at an auto glass conference that the windshield repair standard should be in place by the new year and we will regain our loss profits from the windshield repair industry.

A white car with a broken windshield is parked in a lot

Ultra Bond is the only manufacturer in the windshield repair industry that is concerned about maintaining pre-loss condition of a windshield. All of our tools and windshield repair resins have been lab tested and passes the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards also know as FMVSS 205! In fact, Richard Campfield inventor and founder of Ultra Bond wrote the United States Windshield Repair Guidelines in which he detailed the different Federal Safety Standards that need to be maintained in order to protect your customers and any of their vehicle occupants. When you enter into the windshield repair business, your upmost concern should be about your customers and their safety.

A white car with a broken windshield is sitting in a junkyard

Using windshield repair tools and or repair methods that jeopardize can put your brand and reputation at risk. It's that very argument about safety that has Ultra Bond in a legal battle with the windshield replacement industry and their constituents who rigged the market for replacement and put millions of vehicles at risk every year.  To learn more about the legal fight Ultra Bond leads against the windshield replacement industry giant Safelite and what we are doing for the windshield repair market, head on over to our windshield crack repair legal section and learn about the number one insurance claim in the United States.

Starting a New Business?

If you are starting a new busienss, You Do Not Want To Purchase an Upgrade Kit. Instead you need to buy a full windshield crack repair kit. You will need all the accessory items such as:

  • A Drill
  • Bullseye Tapper
  • UV Light(s) For Curing
  • Film Tabs
  • Tool cleaning supplies
  • Custom Mirror, etc


Existing Business?

Avoid repurchasing a full windshield crack repair kit and purchse the Ultra Bond Maximum Wonder Bar Windshield Repair Kit and Never Walk Away From Another Long Crack Repair!

Free Training Lessons!

We have also created these training videos so you can learn whenever and wherever it is convenient for you. You can be trained by the most innovative windshield repair manufacturer in the windshield repair business, with more patents on windshield repair resin and windshield repair products than any other company in the world.


Why Choose Ultra Bond Windshield Crack Repair?

A tool is sitting on top of a car windshield

Why Choose Ultra Bond Windshield Crack Repair?

Did you know that over 90% of consumers will choose long crack repair over a replacement when they are told the truth and given their options. Not only because it cost hundreds less but only takes less than 30 minutes. A Repair is far safer than a Replacement and A Repair does not alter or compromise the many safety features and standards. In fact windshield repair preserves and protects the four Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Repair also protects ADAS features and prevents the cost of re-calibration. 


According to the FMVSS 205 /  ANSI-SAE Z26.1 Impact and Penetration Test, Ultra Bond Long Crack Repairs remained intact 33 out of 33 impacts during their conducted stress and impact tests. Also in other tests such as ASTM Flexural Strength Tests and the ROLAGS Mechanical Strength Test found Ultra Bond Long Crack Repairs to be stronger than new glass and that the resins lost no strength but gained strength after accelerated exposure that mimics the real world.

A tool is sitting on top of a car windshield

Did you know that over 90% of consumers will choose long crack repair over a replacement when they are told the truth and given their options. Not only because it cost hundreds less but only takes less than 30 minutes. A Repair is far safer than a Replacement and A Repair does not alter or compromise the many safety features and standards. In fact windshield repair preserves and protects the four Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Repair also protects ADAS features and prevents the cost of re-calibration. 

  • Get Paid $100.00 + Fixing a Crack
  •  How To Get Paid by Insurance Companies
  • Passes the Same Federal Standard Tests as a New Windshield
  • Passes the U.S. Repair of Laminated Auto Glass Standard 

According to the FMVSS 205 /  ANSI-SAE Z26.1 Impact and Penetration Test, Ultra Bond Long Crack Repairs remained intact 33 out of 33 impacts during their conducted stress and impact tests. Also in other tests such as ASTM Flexural Strength Tests and the ROLAGS Mechanical Strength Test found Ultra Bond Long Crack Repairs to be stronger than new glass and that the resins lost no strength but gained strength after accelerated exposure that mimics the real world.

Crack Master Windshield Repair Kit Has Everything You Need

You can rest assured that when you repair your customer's vehicle with Ultra Bond that it has been restored to the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 205, tested to ASTM  Standard Test Methods for Strengh of Glass by Flexor with a score of over 100% new windshield strength and is the only brand that meets the insurance contractual obligation to their insureds of pre-loss condition.

Windshield Crack and Chip Repair Upgrade Kits

You can rest assured that when you repair your customer's vehicle with Ultra Bond that it has been restored to the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 205, tested to ROLAGS and ASTM  Standard Test Methods for Strengh of Glass by Flexor with a score of over 100% new windshield strength and is the only brand that meets the insurance contractual obligation to to "Make  Whole" and to restore their insureds windshield to pre-loss condition.

Crack Master Professional Repair Kits

 Our professional windshield crack repair kits are so easy to learn that over 90% of users learn from our manuals and videos. Only Ultra Bond successfully repairs windshields to pre-loss condition and are Stronger Than a New Windshield. Our kits have everything you need to train and repair chips, cracks, long cracks and edge cracks. 



Maximum Windshield Crack Repair Upgrade Kit

Professional windshield repair kit upgrade

If you ALREADY HAVE A WINDSHIELD REPAIR KIT this kit is for you to UPGRADE your windshield repair and replacement business to the Ultra Bond System. ROLAGS tested. Repairs are stronger than a new windshield and are unbreakable. .  Includes two of our friendlier crack-openers for FREE



Long Crack

 Windshield Repair Upgrade Kit


Unbreakable Crack Repairs that are Stronger than a New Windshield. The long crack repair kit from Ultra Bond allows you to grow your business and offer customers an effective alternative to windshield replacement and the newly added ADAS recalibration costs.  This kit, repair chips to 100%+ new glass too. Includes two of our friendlier crack-openers for FREE



Crack and Chip

Windshield Repair Upgrade Kit


If you ALREADY HAVE A WINDSHIELD REPAIR KIT this kit is for you to UPGRADE your auto glass business to the Ultra Bond System. With ADAS and the added cost of recalibration insurers and consumers are seeking long crack repair to control their new added costs. Includes two of our friendlier crack-openers for FREE



Crack Master

Windshield Repair Kit


Repair Long Cracks and Chips/Stone-Breaks with five Wonder Bars. Easy system to learn and use -over 90% of users learn by video and manual. No need to walk away from long cracks that pays you $100 plus . Stronger than a new windshield . Passes the...



Standard Crack Master

Crack and Chip Repair Kit


Repair Chips and Long Cracks with three Wonder Bars. Easy system to learn and use -over 90% of users learn by video and manual . No need to walk away from long cracks that pays you $100 plus . Three Wonder Bars gives you seven tool options .....



Professional Windshield

Crack and Chip Repair Kit


Repair Chips and Long Cracks with One Simple Windshield Repair Tool consisting of two Wonder Bars that Repairs Chips and Long Cracks . Easy system to learn and use -over 90% of users learn by video and manual . No need to walk away from long cracks that pays you $100 +

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