If you are in the windshield crack repair or windshield replacement business, your market is huge; so big that you and your competitors could not put a dent in it. To determine the number of potential jobs in your local market, first, contact the Department of Motor Vehicles to find out how many registered vehicles are in your country. The next step is to determine how many of those vehicles are in need of windshield repair or replacement. One of the most eye-opening things I ever did was conduct a parking lot survey. There is no better place to find out how many windshields in your market need repair or replacement than a parking lot.
When surveying a parking lot, choose a lot that vehicle owners use, like a grocery store or Wal-Mart. Do not survey a tourist area! You might also consider getting outside help. My business hired Knott Laboratory in Centennial, Colorado, to survey parking lots in Denver. I was referred to Knott Lab by the people at ABC News 20/20, to whom I provided parking lot surveys and other information when they did their report on the dangers of unsafe windshield replacements in February 2020.