Long Crack Repair Slider Complete

Home / Windshield Crack Master Tools / Long Crack Slider Complete Windshield Repair Tool

This is a long crack windshield repair tool that slides along and injects the resin into the crack from the surface. The Crackmaster for long cracks is designed to slide from the tip/point to the edge of the windshield. With the stabilizing bolts it is self-leveling and the pressure is controlled so to not push the crack closed as long cracks are surfaced. The pressure bolt allows you to temporarily increase pressure while at the drill hole so you can get our 400 crack resin to fill the tapped bullseye and start into the crack. Our injector holds 36 drops of resin. This tool's design allows for sliding and does not push the crack closed. A windshield is only 5 mm thick. The outer layer you are repairing is only 2 mm thick. It will flex easily. Tools used to repair chips have too much pressure and will flex the glass and push the crack closed so that it will under fill or spot the repair. It boils down to the physics of the tool: length, compression, mechanical advantage, size and durometer of the cups. The two stabilizing bolts allow for automatic leveling. Just push the cup down, level the injector and your ready to go. You must have a crack-opener to use this tool. The crack-opener tool is the secret to easy and fast long crack repair. Here again it must be of proper size to allow for leverage and mechanical advantage without causing the crack to spread. Our crack-opener symmetrically opens the crack to create an overfill. You will see resin come out of the top (surface ) of the crack when you release it. That is what you want, for a complete fill you must overfill!

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