Hybrid Windshield Repair Kit Upgrade

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For those already in the windshield repair business here is our Hybrid upgrade Windshield Repair Kit. This injector has two piston seals and two cylinder chambers. Comes with our 18 cps and 100 cps resins.

This Windshield Repair Tool is like no other with a Hybrid Injector. The Piston has the stub that goes into the grommet sleeve and a vacuum seal above it and two cylinder chambers encompassing both types of injectors on the market into one. This enables repair by Vacuum and Pressure and Displacement.

Grommet sealed injectors have only a grommet sleeve inserted at the end of the cylinder. This type of injector is found in Do-It-Yourself kits and Delta Kits. The piston has a stub  that goes into the sleeve and pushes the resin into the break. The weaknesses of this type of injector is it has less control. It has virtually no vacuum which compromises resin interaction with the glass. In the pressure mode when the piston is turned a hair too much the resin goes out the top of the grommet sleeve leaking onto the threads of the piston on the inside of the cylinder. When you are done with the repair and remove the tool if you turn the tool on its side or upside down to prevent resin from spilling out the end and onto the windshield,  it then leaks out the the top of the cylinder. Either way you have resin spillage and a mess. This Hybrid Injector eliminates all those issues. The vacuum seal and chamber prevents any resin from leaking out onto the piston threads and into the cyinder vacuum chamber. The Vacuum seal also increases vacuum and pressure on the resin.

In a compariaon Mechanical Strength Test by 3-Point Bend as in the ROLAGS having the vacuum added to a grommet sleeve injector increases the strength by 10 points towards new glass strength. This is a 10-15% increase over just having a grommet sleeve injector.

The tool in this windshield repair kit is NOT as good as the Wonder Bar Bridge with the Semi-Automatic Quick-Turn Injector, that tool is the Pinnacle of the Windshield Repair Industry. This Hybrid Tool Kit at less than half the price is third best in lab test comparison scores. It does not have to the flex of the Wonder Bar Bridge or the resin efficiency of the Quick-Turn Injector but neither does any other tool on the market.

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